Colscott Defib Maintenance Fund

Colscott Defib Maintenance Fund


Raised so far

  • About

The Colscott Community defibrillator is a potentially life-saving resource for all, available 24/7.

The defibrillator and the heated cabinet it is contained within will need replacing in a few years and we are looking to raise funds that will enable us to provide the best replacement when the time comes to do so.

Our current defibrillator was only made possible by donations from the Colscott community. The cost for electricity to heat the cabinet is covered by Barton Barn. Our current balance held by the Community Heartbeat Trust stands at £251 and we need to look at fundraising for the future.

Our target is to build a contingency replacement fund over the next few years to cover the defibrillator and cabinet replacement costs, including any installation costs, when this becomes necessary by 2028.

Currently, we have some regular donations sufficient to cover the annual support programme covered by the Community Heartbeat Trust of £162. This provides replacement parts such as the battery, pads, insurance against vandalism and theft, which in turn ensures compliance with the requirements for registration with the Southwest Ambulance service for 999 calls. This is based on one use of the defib per year.

Please donate to future-proof our Colscott community defib.